Friday, September 5, 2008

~The Head of the Matter or Part 3~

This is where things come to a "Head" 
After reading my previous 2 entries you know I went out with Mr A, who had a 4 yr old daughter last winter.  Stopped seeing him mainly because he had an obvious drinking problem.  Sue, along with other people in the Park are not only acting like I don't exist, but like I had a contagious disease.
One day shortly after noon I walked down to the front of the Park to visit Sue at her place during her lunch break from her office duties.  Still thinking that her moodiness is attributed to a little depression or family problems, I am trying to be a concerned, yet an upbeat friend.  After a few minutes she pushed herself up in her chair and away from me and said, "Bethe, I need to ask you something". 
"Sure, anything"
"Did you report A to the Department of Child  Family Services?"
"Of course not",  I said & asked why.
She then went onto tell me that she felt like she could tell me about it now because A was moving out of the Park and it was all my fault.  Apparently, someone reported him to DCF and S said that she was angry because they should up on her doorstep one day asking her questions about his drinking.  She then went on to say that I had told her that I was going to report him.  Which was entirely not true, because I never had a thought of doing that.  Besides I know that the drinking alone isn't a reason to deny visitation.
I had talked with S during one of our shopping trips that I was surprised that the school the 4 1/2 yr old goes to doesn't question why the child is still in diapers.  I even asked him one day if Miss H ever resisted the idea of diapers.  He said "No" & that he couldn't do anything about it because he didn't have any cooperation on the mother's side.  I had been witness to her asking to go to the restroom when the 3 of us were out one day and A told her to "go pee" in her diaper.
Now I have had all the Child abuse and Neglect courses that nurses and Dr's have to take.  There wasn't really anything to report.  And having four years of Child Psych in college, I know that as soon as Miss H's classmate's call her attention to the fact she is wearing diapers she will potty train herself.  Peer pressure. 
When I told S "no". She balked at me and said that everyone in the Park knows I did.  So here is someone whom I considered a very good friend not believing me.  She told me not to bother talking to Mr A about it because he wouldn't believe me.  Knowing enough about him, he does blame everyone around him for his misery.  Workman's comp for taking pictures and video, work for setting him up to carry heavy things so WC could video him, his Ex wife, his Dr's, the "Snoop Sister's" & "HillBilly Bobby" who razzed him about going out with me.  He felt in February that people in the Park  watched him. 
So why not blame me for his misery, too??
That night I thought about it.  It occurred to me that Mr A was questioned by DCF.  He then talked with  Glenda (a drinking buddy), and Glenda told S.  And S believed it because it sounded like something I had told her.  Well, it did because it came from Mr A's mouth.
Needless to say my innards were in a twist I was so upset about this fallacy.  Upset that this effected my friendship with S.  The next day I went down and talked with her and told her how upset I was. When I wen to sit down she reached over and closed her laptop.  She knows I keep a journal and I think she was trying to find it online.  I read my entries from back in January and February and never did I mention anything about reporting the man to DCF.  She seemed cold and despite my protests to the accusations my word's rolled off her like rain off a duck.
I did see Mr A driving by a few times, moving his things I suppose.  I heard later that he had sold his small trailer.  He waved to me during one of his passes.
The following weekend I talked with my son about all this. And even considered moving myself because of the tension.  I couldn't eat or drink, I couldn't;t sleep.  While Marc & I were talking he said to me that men handle things differently than women.  What he would do is go to the source & ask why they were talking smack about him.
A few weeks went by before I happened to see Mr A here at the Park visiting.  I called out to him.  He kept walking as if he hadn't heard me.  I caught up to him as he wen to pull out of the parking lot.  I said few words.  Only that it wasn't me and that it was someone else in his life & that I wanted him to be aware of that for the future.   I never wished any thing bad to happen to the man. 
The next day I saw Glenda cleaning her car as I was walking Jazzy.  She was the one who I particularly channeled bad thoughts.  I hated to approach her in the worst way.  She is a rather "tough little cookie" and if anyone could rip my face off it would be her.  And I am just not the sort to confront.  I did though, I walked over to her SUV & asked if I could talk with her, then asked if there was something bothering her.  She said yes, and that she was really "pissed off" at me.  I told her that I had sensed that, but had been clueless as to why.  She talked, I listened.  I told her that S had told me that A thought I reported him to DCF  and that I had talked with Mr A & told him it wasn't me.  She & I actually had a good talk, her body language relaxed,  and after 15-20 minutes she actually said she was going to talk with A.   I asked her if "we were good" and she said, "yes".   I left feeling a whole lot better about that.
Things are still strained between S and I.  I don't go down to the office except to collect my mail or pay the rent.  She is polite and cool.
Bill came over last weekend to help move the deck along with Glenda's roommate and a couple of guys from across the street. Bill said that she is still depressed and doesn't feel like being around anyone.  Just to give her time.
Last winter when HillBilly Bobby was on my ass about this & that & everything, S had just asked me to "be good" because it ultimately came back on her.  He would go to her & tell her "You've got to talk with Bethe!".   I understood.  For months, maybe up to 18 months, there were 2 places I would be.  Home in my little place or with S.  I do have a problem with trusting her now.  How can I talk to a "best friend" knowing down the line she may twist my words & turn things against me?
So there's the "Head" of the problem  The blemish on my reputation.   I am doing OK.  Taking the bus instead of shopping with S.  And in this heat it really takes it's toll.  I've lost nearly 15 lbs between the heat & the stress.  Yes, I am one of those people who can't eat when stressed out. 
Now that I am feeling better about things, and it's taken a good month. So no worries there.   I will probably start journaling again. I know a few of you noticed that I changed the names of the people.  I just thought it would be a good idea since S has probably found this journal by now. 
So that is that.  Thank you for reading all this.  I guess I needed to get this writtenbefore I could go on.
Thank you for the graphics Winivere!


Anonymous said...

All I can say is that it is S's loss.  She is losing a wonderful, kind friend.  What a shame that you had to deal with this.  I hate gossip AND people who listen to it.  If she had been a real friend, she would have come to you right away and asked you about it.  You are better off without her Bethe.  We love you GF.
Big Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

I am so sorry this happened...   I can only imagine the hurt you have with having what was a good friend not trust or believe.....   sending hugs your way

Anonymous said...

Wow, Bethe, that really sucks.  It always hurts when you find out who your true friends aren't.  Really, there are very few worthy of trust.  It's so easy to put on a smiling face.  S was no friend if she didn't believe you or stand by you.  Drama does not make life one bit fun.  Hugs Chris

Anonymous said...

Bethe, fair weather friends are no friends at all.  You know you didn't do it & if she is persisting in her belief that you did? well, you don't need that at all.  Mr. A. seems as if he is feasting on the need of other's pity to create a firewall in his life, to take the blame away from himself and his failings... he "should" be man enough to admit his faults, unfortunately alcoholics aren't capable of doing that unless he is very honest with himself & from what you say he isn't capable of that.  Unfortunately it's people like you and his daughter that suffer from his weaknesses.
I can understand also your thoughts about moving away from there, I also understand the hesitantcy in doing so because that is your home... it would make it far easier on you if you did move away? you could make new friends (real one's) yet it's scary to make that change... knowing where your <sic> enemies <sic> are vs. the unknown.
I'm very sorry that this is happening in your life... I wish it were different for you.  But, you have Jazzy, Maui and Marc :)  and all of your J'Lander friends!!!  
((((((Huge Cyber Hugz)))))))) Blessings, Teresa

I hope this made SOME sense LOLOL.

Anonymous said...

Oh Bethe, honey, I'm sooooooo sorry to hear all this. :( No WONDER you've been so down in the dumps. I'm so sad to think that S doesn't want to hang out with you because of something that is FALSE!! I hope whoever bought A's trailer turns out to be a wonderful, new friend for YOU.

Hang in there, kiddo!!
Love & hugs,

Anonymous said...

Isn't it a shame that even though we're not in high school anymore, some people still act like it.  I'm glad you're feeling better about the drama.

Anonymous said...

I agree with what everyone else has said,Bethe. A true friend knows you and knows that you wouldn't have done that..The thing is ONE of them did it and is letting you take the heat for what they did...wish you could find out who-Thing is -he needed the   DCF called on him-he was drinking and not parenting his child and I don't care-a 4 year old wearing diapers is soo wrong and that wasn't good parenting,and he can use momma as the excuse why he didn't have her go to potty all he wants-they were both lazy butt holes and not doing their job.
And his moving had nothing to do with hurt feelings -he wants to go where the  child protective services can't find him-until they're called again.........
Hold your head up high Bethe-go about your business and make a point to smile and say Hi-you have done nothing to be ashamed of -don't hide and let them take your pride!!!
Luv ya~
ole Foxie

Anonymous said...

I hope things get fixed soon.  Stress is not good, and you can't afford to loose that much weight!  Linda

Anonymous said...

As Missy said it sounds like these people still act like they are in high school, I never did appreciate that behavior and still don't. I'm so sorry that you were at the brunt of all this and these so called friends treated you this way.

In all honesty based on what you have said here, I would of reported the guy. That little girl needed a dad, not an alcoholic, not someone who at 4 1/2 told her to go in her diaper (the therapy that child will be in later in life just on that one alone is daunting)...

I have to wonder about these people who would side with someone like Adam....I would rather know the person who would instead question the behavior of this man toward his daughter. I don't believe you did report him, but I would of been in your corner if you had. (Hugs) Indigo

Anonymous said...

Good morning Bethe! Wow, I have a lot to catch up on here. I just read this entry and got the jist of it. You know what, I got one thing to say about it all...if he was worried about it, he should have not been drinking. We reap what we sew. Thats about the sum of it. I dont wish ill will on anyone, but evidently it was enough that DFCS got involved. I know you had to be stressed with everyone looking at you like you did it all to him. Good on you for confronting everyone that looked at you with condemning eyes. Get it out in the open, let it air out I say. I hope you dont move, you do seem to like where you are. YOu cant worry about other people and what they think all the time. Just be yourself and if somebody doesnt like it, phooey on them! :) Love, Kelly

Anonymous said...

The most troublesome thing about this I think is the proximity.  To see people all the time who have hurt you is very difficult.  Changing your habits of travel and association is helpful.  But you have a right to get angry and defend yourself.  If people are going to continue to believe a lie even though you have set them straight is their problem and worth being criticized by you for their own good.   D

Anonymous said...

Too bad she didn't believe you ~ and it sounds like Glenda was more receptive to you.  Maybe there really is something else going on with S and she does need time.  Although I agree with you that since she is your best friend you should be able to talk to her freely.  Maybe she'll "get over" whatever it is and move on but I would still be on my guard.  Too bad you have to go through all this crap.

Anonymous said...

Too bad my graphics were attached to a very sad story. Grrrrr... Wish I could lose weight because of stress. I'd be S-K-I-N-N-Y!! lol

Anonymous said...

Whew so glad all that got worked out.  Shall we say things will get back to normal?