Sunday, August 31, 2008

~Inflammation-Part 2~




My good friend Sue and her hubby's anniversary was the end of June and I told her I'd like to fix them dinner.  Something simple...chicken, dumplings, candied carrots and salad.  Nothing special.  Just something nice so she didn't have to think about fixing dinner after work that day.  Intuition told me she really didn't want me to.
She had an odd cool tone when she told me that I didn't have to.  She repeated this several times over the weeknd and was unusally quiet during dinner.  She talked about depression an dhow she gets in a low place that she can't ig herself out of.
Then when I offered to wash her little car for her one day, again she told me I didn't really didn't have to.  She has taken me for appointments and here and there and I had been promising to do it for a long time.  I finally felt really good one day& I knew I could finish the job once I started. Besides she and I go everywhere.  It womething I could do since she doesn't allow me to pay for gas.  I got this "feeling" that she didn't want me to.  I mean really bad vibes coming my way and I had no idea where they were coming from or why I was feeling this cool aura.  I was giving of myself, and my little efforts seemed to be hitting a block of ice. 
Other things were happening around me.  I would be down in the Park Office and when woman Glenda would come in, she wouldn't look at me or say Hello after I greeter her as she always had before.  I even mentioned to Sue that it seemed like Glenda was ignoring me.  This happened 3-4  times.  "Weird", I thought, & shrugged it off.
Then July 4th there was a picnic/pool party here in the Park.  I was helping Sue clean up afterwards, doing dishes, wiping down tables, putting food away.  As we were working another woman in the park was telling Sandy how her b/f's band was offered a job playing at a local restaurant.  I had mentioned that I'd love to hear them.  A bit later Inge, the assistant office manager, came in. Sandy and Inge made plans for the 2 of them and their husbands to go to hear the band.  Am I getting it yet??  Nope, dense I am!  I'm thinking...Okay married peeps want to hang around married peeps.
*It's something you live with when you are a single woman. 
Sometime later I did ask Sue if there was something I did to upset her.  She said no, she just had a lot on her mind (the family problems).   I even asked Sue's husband when I was walking Jazzy one day, if there was something I did.  Sue seemed angry.   He said "no" and the that sometimes she gets that way.  The best thing to do is just let her have her space.
My thoughts were that maybe she felt that along with her family problems and managerial duties here in the Park that I was an added responsibility. 
So I didn't hang around as much.  She didn't seem to have much to say to me anyway and there's only so much cheerfulness that I can spew.  But,  I tried to carry on as normal.  Trying to be a bit cheery for Sandy, and I didn't asked for any rides to the grocery store or Dr's appt's.  Until that day Jasmine was so sick.   I had to get her to the Vet and I had not way to get there. 
Taxi, yes, but the Vet's office said that I'd have to be there within a half hour.  After making several calls to my usual drivers and they couldn't come. I called Sue. She said she'd come -  I waited, waited, waited.  And the time was getting close.  One of my neighbors was leaving for work.  I asked her if she was going south.  She was and I asked if we could get a ride.  I called Sandy, told her that neighbor lady was giving us a ride.  "Well, I'm on my way!", she said. As I am on the phone with her we drive past Sue's parked car.  Hmm,  me thinks, "doesn't 'on my way' mean you are en route?"   She did say that if I need a ride home to call and if her grandson and her hadn't left for the water park yet, she'd come get us.
Now that day I had a Dr's appt that had been made a month before. Sue had said she could give me a ride or if she & her daughter had plans I could use her car.  sue's daughter wasn't here, but I found out when she picked Jazzy & I up at the Vet that they planned to go to the water park that morning.   That was okay I had canceled the appt anyway as  Jazzy was too sick and as you all know the visit with the Vet visit didn't go so well.  But I know she hadn't forgotten the date of my appt.  She remembers those things.
Do I get it yet??
Nope, not a clue!


Anonymous said...

Nothing bugs me more when someone has a problem with me, but won't tell what the problem is.  I wish you luck and I hope you get things straigtened out.

Anonymous said...

People can be so very strange can't they? TRY not to let it bother you, sometimes people just have their heads up their bums and don't think about anyone else but themselves.  You know you made the effort, just do your own thing and let her approach you the next time and whoever else is being "tactless".  Love the graphic!!!!  I'm snaggin' lol.  Blessings and Hugz** Teresa

Anonymous said...

So strange and what about the others in the park acting weird?  I hate when people get that way.  I believe in being straight forward if something is bothering me.  You've done all you can.  It could be the smallest of things.  I hope it gets better.  HUGS  Chris

Anonymous said...

I wish folks would be open and honest.. not always the way.. I do hope things get better for you or that you find out what is going on..

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Bethe.  Sounds to me like something is going on behind your back....maybe a rumor or something.  Living in a  park like that, with everyone so close, I think I would insist on knowing what is going on.  Love you GF.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Strange.  It must be very unsettling for you.  Feels like you're living with foreigners.  Is there someon who you have ne reason to mistrust, a person who is uninvolved in all the intrigue you could ask to find out what the thing is about?     D

Anonymous said...

I'm clueless, Bethe!! But I would think that with as good a friendship you have wtih SANDY, you could ask HER what's going on.....there must be something she could tell you!!! How discomforting.... :(

Good luck, honey. And know that Jland is always here with an ear if you want to dump!!!


P.S. I'm going to Vegas with my folks and sibs (no kids or Rob, LOL) from 9/7-12 -- I'll get with you after that so we can do lunch in Dunedin together, okay?

Anonymous said...

Iam as much in the dark as you Beth unless it is the married thing ,heehee Keep smiling ! Jan xx

Anonymous said...

Ummm-let me guess-she is insecure and jealous when you're around the hubby--after all-you're not attached and you look better than her-yada-yada-yada.......................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

Anonymous said...

Strange behavior to say the least.  I can only go along with your assumption it's the single versus married thing.  Perhaps like Connie said, she is jealous or feels somehow you are a threat to her.  I don't get why you would be getting the cold shoulder from the others though.  Well forget don't need people to treat you like this.  

Anonymous said...

Ummmmmmmmm this entry was Aug.31 -it is now Sept 4 th...
You OK????

Anonymous said...

I believe it might be the married thing...i get ignored by all "our' freinds when hubby leaves...
hope you're okay..are you getting ready for Ike??
damn these storms..