Saturday, September 27, 2008

~Blazing Palms & Fences~

Where to start....
One night last week I was out with the "girl-animals" around dusk when HillBilly Bobby and his wife stopped to say hello after their return from Kentucky.   That was nice ((??)  The REAL reason HillBilly Bobby stopped was to spread the word that Sandy had quite her Park Manager's job and was moving out of the Park.  Really no news to me, I had seen Flo in with Ingrid behind the desk of the office that day after a bus trip to Tarpon Springs.  Intuition told me that was probably the case.
The next night while I was out walking with Jazzy and Mau'i I heard Sandy calling from her front door as I was heading up the hill towards home.   I turned around and went in and she told me how she couldn't take the disrespect from the owner of the Park and HillBilly Bobby anymore.  Not only that, but I guess the "Snoop Sisters" had been particularly nit-picky and it just hadn't let up.  And I think the crap with "Art"  added to it.  I am sure there was more.  But, I didn't ask. 
She told me that she and hubby were moving just north of Tarpon Springs to a Park that cost less per month and is three times as large.  It's a good thing.  It's really a shame that a job that should have been so easy an cushy turned out to be so stressful.  Sandy's birthday is in a few months and she will be able to collect Social Security.  And she plans to get a part-time job doing "what-ever" comes her way. 
We talked a little & I told her I really missed our friendship.  She said she was leaving everything up to me and I just hadn't been around.  I went down the next evening to ask if she needed help with her plants.  Sunday, with help of Jerry & John who live across the street from me the trailer was moved.  It's a "Park Model" like mine. Large, but movable.
Two winters I've told HillBilly Bobby that I had seen burning embers falling from Palm frones (leaves) of a neighboring house onto the roofs and ground of the RV Park.  Then again this spring.  when I told him that I feared there be a fire he dismissed my concern.
The other day the wind was coming for the north, which was very unusual.   And don't you know some frones hit the power wires, the tops of all 4 palm trees caught fire,  the frones then fell hitting the power lines bringing them down catching the lawn and fence on fire. 
Luckily Elaine was coming back from the pool and spotted the fire. And her husband called 911 using a cell phone which meant he had to go thru the Orlando 911 then transferred to Palm Harbor.  Meanwhile HillBilly Bobby grabbed a hose and climbed on Jerry's trailer to water down the fence. 
All this is going on outside my door and I didn't realize it until a fire truck pulled up.  Then before the fire men could get the hoses connected to a pumper tanker the entire fence flashed into a huge fire as did the 4 palm trees. 
I didn't have time to get my video cam out until afterwards.  You can see the 4 charred palm trees.  Then fence is gone.  I believe the firemen were chopping it up in the yard and hosing it down.  Jerry's  trailer had a good deal of burn damage to the awning and roof from falling embers.  He has a couple of Hairless Rat Terriers and was called at work and told of the fire.  He only works about a mile away & came home immediately to check on the dogs and trailer. 
The next day the morning light revealed areas that look like cigarette burns in my awning.  I called the fire Marshal, but he said that because it was the next day there was nothing that could be done. 
Just some video I took from my deck.  Sorry it isn't better video...the temperature was 93-94 degrees that day and the rising heat can be seen.  Please forgive my sarcastic/disgusted tone.  This fire could have been avoided.  
Thank you Teresa


Anonymous said...

Oh Lord!  I hope you stay safe.  Sorry I haven;t been around much.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like some excitement in the ole trailer park huh?  Glad no one was hurt.  Linda

Anonymous said...

Good grief.  Nothing like fire around a mobile home park.  Glad it wasn't any worse than it was.  That could have been bad.  Be safe.
Hugs, Joyce
PS...Love the tags.

Anonymous said...

OK...I just realized you didn't make the tags.  I still love them.  LOL.
Hugs, Joyce

Anonymous said...

Oh Lord, Bethe, that's awful.  It's a wonder the whole place didn't burn down.  I can't get the video to work.  I need to restart this thing and come back.  That's maddening when you know how long ago you told Hillbilly Bob about it.  Take care....HUGS Chris

Anonymous said...

now that is scary stuff!!
i would love to take a peek inside your trailer...maybe a little video??  ;-)
isn't this weather the bomb?

Anonymous said...

Oh NOOOOOO!! That is just awful, Bethe!!! Especially in view of the warnings you gave. :( Nobody EVER does anything until AFTER the fact. I wonder if the homeowners who were doing the burning even KNEW their brush fire blew into your park!

And Sandy's moving?! Oh man, I know things were strained between you two, but I was hoping she'd get over herself and things would go back to "normal" between you two. :( I'm sorry to hear there's no chance of that happening now. You aren't considering moving, are you?

Hope the rest of your weekend is quiet and relaxing, Bethe!!


Anonymous said...

I decided to do a clean up and restart this darned thing.  Gosh, Bethe, that is unbelievable.  I'm just so glad that they stopped it before the animals got hurt but it shouldn't have happened in the first place.  I best you'll be vigilant about this now.  HUGS  Chris

Anonymous said...

That was a little too close for comfort!  Glad you are okay

Anonymous said...

How scary was that!  I cannot believe someone would be allowed to burn that close to homes..they should be stopped.  I'm happy the animals in the trailers were okay and there wasn't damage to property other than the fence & trees.  Hopefully that person will stop burning now.

Anonymous said...

Wow Bethe, that seems like it was a close call.  By the way, you have a very pleasant voice.   DB

Anonymous said...

i cant live in a place like that where its all gossip.